Thursday, February 7, 2013

The drones are after me

Now, before you start questioning the title of this post, don't worry. I'll explain it later, but first I have to sum everything from the past two days.


Wednesdays are my longest days. It is because I work at a local high school which starts class at 7:15AM. I try not to get coffee before this because it upsets my stomach. Actually anything in the morning just destroys me, its a weird thing.

I have the pleasure of being put into math classrooms. These poor kids. I have the mathematics ability of...well, I don't know. I can do anything with a calculator, but somewhere along the lines my own education shafted me in some areas, math being one of them.

Today was learning about congruency of Triangles. FML. Throw up my hands and walk out of the room. I have no idea. I know the symbols they use and some equations, but I don't have any idea.  I was able to help most by muddling through it and getting help from the smarter students. Its a shame to be 27 and needing help at my job, but I told my district...don't put me in a math classroom. But they did anyway. I have probably learned a lot while being in this class, but I can't help at all.


When it comes to stats and probability, I am a god. The way I can command data is amazing. Give me numbers and I'll make you the best graph possible with all the stats you would ever need. My kids appreciate this because they teacher doesn't really care for this class. I guess he considers it his"lower" math class compared to his others. But if Gandalf was a math wizard, I would be his equal in stats.

The last class was a newly combined class of 56 students...I kid you not, 56 students. Not just any students...Freshmen. My Wednesday afternoons now consist of helping wrangle 56 freshman in a tutorial fashion. Since this class is an "elective", they can justify the class size because gym classes can run that big. Its actually not too bad. Its still early, I expect by the end of the year to have it disintegrate into an dictatorship based around students who have the most hats (I'll explain this sometime later).

So that was my Wednesday, long, hectic and could have been terrible.


My Thursdays aren't bad.  Its the exact same as my Tuesdays. Today however I was greeted with the task of having a shadow. Evidently they hired someone new and they wanted him to shadow me in class (I go to a different school at the middle of the day and they want him to take my place when I'm not there).

So, I meet the guy and he isn't bad. A little off, but whatever, everyone is to some degree. He sits down next to me and we engage in ideal chit chat. What I thought was a normal conversation suddenly turns weird. He begins with saying " You know I shouldn't tell you this...". Never a good sign. Why say that? Because simply by telling me you have implemented me. He goes on to say, "You know Obama has high altitude drones flying over the United States at all times right? I think they are over my house because I know stuff about the government."

WTF? How do you follow this up? How do you carry on a conversation with someone that says this? So, quick thinking Brandon says..."What things do you know?"

He says "About UFOs and other stuff."

Really? Your big secrete is that you know about UFOs? I wanted to ask him if he has just been replaying Art Bell's Coast to Coast AM when he once broad casted from an unknown location in the Nevada desert. But in any case, I hope this guy is harmless. I don't know if we want this type of crazy around students, but whatever I guess. 

At my other school is was fine. Nothing really exciting. I might be trying to pick up more shifts or starting subbing in a couple weeks. Lets hope so.

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